Forest Glen Elementary

Project Leaders: Erin Barbour

Town: Moncton

School Name: Forest Glen Elementary

Project Name:Livign Things:Beauty in Cultural Diversity

  • The primary goal is to promote a deeper understanding of the beauty and richness of cultural diversity and to positively and powerfully impact their developing world view of themselves as active global citizens.

  • A deeper understanding of culture will be introduced, developed and reinforced through a literature-rich environment of picture books.

  • Literature will expose our students to refugees, immigrants, indigenous people, and to a variety of families in different economic situations. The books will be available to all classes.

  • They will promote education as the agent of change. Students increased awareness of our global interconnectedness may even lead students to raise funds for an orphanage or school in another part of the world.

  • We will permanently display a large world map at the front entrance of our school.

  • Every student who moves here from another country will be able to place a pin marking where they immigrated from to add to their sense of belonging.

  • A permanent rock garden displaying the word welcome in many languages would be built by students at the front of the school.

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